@php $route = 'enable'; $needsVerification = session('tab') == '2fa' && $user->needsTwoFactorVerification(); if ($needsVerification) { $route = 'verify'; } elseif ($user->twoFactorEnabled()) { $route = 'disable'; } @endphp
@csrf @if (!$user->twoFactorEnabled() && !$needsVerification) @else @if ($user->twoFactorEnabled()) @else

@lang("Please finish configuring Two-Factor authentication below.")

@lang("When two factor authentication is enabled, you will be prompted for a secure, random token during authentication.") @lang("You may retrieve this token from your phone's Authenticator application.")
@lang("To finish enabling two factor authentication, scan the following QR code using your phone's authenticator application or enter the setup key and provide the generated OTP code.")
{!! $user->twoFactorQrCodeSvg() !!}
@endif @endif